
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Excellence - Focus On The Goal

Firstly, our focus should not shift from customers to the competition. We must not constantly look at our competition and comparing as to how the competition is better than us. In the process, we are discouraging ourselves and not aiming at customers who can be served by us. The market is big and we have products for all segments and also better prices.

Look at the competition only when you are developing the product and pricing your product and also then compare the segment your product is targeted; else the comparison could be misleading. Please remember that a focus with blinkers only on our products and customers will bring the success..

This reminds me of the story of Mahabharat when Dronacharya was teaching Pandavas and Kauravas the art of archery. He taught them how to aim at the target successfully. Then the day of their examination came. All Pandavas and Kauravas failed except Arjun. Why ?? Dronacharya had asked all of them to target the bird’s eye. Each one came and took the aim and before they were to release the arrow, Dronacharya asked as to what each one of them has been seeing through their one eye. Everyone described everything about the bird, the branch of the tree, the leaves around the bird and the tree.

After hearing what each one was seeing, Dronacharya did not permit them to release the arrow. Whereas when Arjun was asked as to what he has been seeing, he said only the eye and he described the eye. Dronacharya then permitted Arjun to release the arrow and the arrow hit the eye of the bird. Dronacharya declared only Arjun to have passed the examination and all the rest failed. This was so because except Arjun everyone described everything around the bird and the bird itself but not the eye of the bird. Their aim was therefore not solely on the target whereas Arjun saw only the eye which was the target and he permitted him to shoot. That’s how Arjun succeeded and the rest failed.

The lesson to be learnt from the story is that be focused on the target and not on surroundings else our efforts shall go waste. Our focus should be solely on our goal-customer and to offer him solutions which we have.

This also reminds me of the story of David and Goliath. There was a giant who was bullying and harassing the children in the village. One day a 17 year old David came to the village and asked, “Why don’t you stand up and fight the giant ? The boys replied, “Don’t you see the giant is too big to fight ?” But the David said, “No, he is not too big to hit but he is too big to miss.”

The perception David took and the perception other boys took made all the difference and solution was found to hit the giant. Similarly, let’s take a positive view of the market and look for the spots where we can aim and succeed.

We must therefore change the focus from competition to customers. No sooner we become negative in our focus and attitude that we are defeated. Let’s not be pessimist. The pessimist people spend most of their time complaining about everything around them. They always look for cracks. They always expect the worst and also make the worst of everything they have. They forget their blessings and count their troubles. They do not believe in taking any kind of chances. They are the lot fearful by nature and hence they lack courage in trying out. There is a story of how such people look for negative in everything.

There was a hunter who bought a bird dog, the only one of its kind who could walk on water. He wanted to show off his new acquisition to his friend so he invited his friend for duck hunting. After sometime they shot few ducks and the man ordered his dog to run and fetch the birds. The dog ran on water and fetched the birds. The owner was expecting a compliment about the amazing dog from his friend. But the friend did not make any comment. Then in the evening when they were returning, the man asked his friend if he had noticed anything unusual about his dog. The friend replied, “Yes, I did notice that your dog can’t swim.”

The moral of the story is that the negative people will only look for the defects and shortcomings and they will not achieve anything.


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